Promote positive thinking, nurture positive values and attitudes:
- Organising projects to nurture positive thinking
- Implementing the This link will open in a new window."Values Education Curriculum Framework” (Pilot Version)
- Organising annual This link will open in a new window.Youth Festival

Promote family values:
- Enhancing support in the role of family in advancing positive youth development through different programmes and activities

Foster team spirit:
- Encouraging more young people to join youth uniformed groups
- Encouraging young people to take part in adventure training activities to gain experience that is different from their daily lives through overcoming various difficulties and challenges

Promote sports, arts and culture:
- Encouraging young people to continue explore arts and enhance their cultural literacy through various means
- Enhancing Hong Kong's sports culture and further promote sports development

Strengthen mental health support:
- Strengthening community support and raising public awareness of mental health through “This link will open in a new window.Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme”
- Strengthening the “This link will open in a new window.Student Mental Health Support Scheme” to identify students in need and make arrangements for them to receive professional support early
- Launching the This link will open in a new window.Pilot Scheme on New Service Protocol for Child and Adolescent with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Implementing the "This link will open in a new window.Shall We Talk" mental health promotion and public education initiative

Enhance youth rehabilitation:
- Implementing the “Project PATH”
- Providing on-the-job training for rehabilitated youths through the This link will open in a new window.Youth Employment and
Training Programme
Enrich diverse experiences:
- Through “This link will open in a new window.Life-wide Learning Grant” to support schools in organising more diverse experiential learning activities for students

Strengthen support for youth:
- Combatting drug abuse in a multi-faceted manner, including preventive education, treatment and rehabilitation services, and enhanced law enforcement, etc.
- Providing financial management and investor education resources to encourage young people to make informed financial decisions

Support non-Chinese speaking youths:
- Assisting in early adaptation to the local education system and enhancing their Chinese language literacy
- Strengthening life planning